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Crowns and Bridges

Crowns and Bridges services offered in Enumclaw, WA

Crowns and Bridges services offered in the greater Enumclaw, WA area

Crowns and bridges repair or replace damaged, decaying, or missing permanent teeth. At Cole Street Dental in Enumclaw, Washington, experienced general, family, and cosmetic dentists Sean Monaghan, DMD, Gina Petrarca, DDS, and the team often use crowns and bridges to transform smiles and encourage optimal oral health. Call Cole Street Dental today to schedule a crowns and bridges appointment, or book your visit online.

Crowns and Bridges Q & A

Are crowns and bridges the same?

Crowns and bridges are both dental restorations, but they’re used for different purposes.

A crown is a cap made of metal amalgam, porcelain, or ceramic, that your Cole Street Dental provider bonds over a damaged or severely decaying tooth. The crown restores the size and shape of your tooth, preventing further damage.

A dental bridge replaces a gap in your smile where one or more teeth used to be. 

Bridges have an artificial tooth called a pontic and two dental crowns or a metal framework. Your Cole Street Dental provider bonds the crowns or framework to the healthy teeth on either side of the gap, holding the restoration in place.

What’s the process for getting crowns and bridges?

At Cole Street Dental, getting crowns and bridges takes at least two visits. 

Getting a crown
Your Cole Street Dental provider completes an oral exam and takes digital X-rays to assess the extent of the damage or decay.

If they determine you can benefit from a crown, they numb your tooth with a local anesthetic and remove the decaying or damaged portion of your tooth enamel. Then, your dentist uses an intraoral scanner to take impressions of your tooth.

Your dentist sends the impressions to a lab that creates a custom dental crown from porcelain or ceramic.

When your crown is ready, you return to Cole Street Dental. Your dentist bonds the crown on top of your tooth, checks your bite, and polishes your teeth.

Getting a bridge
Your Cole Street Dental provider reviews your dental records, completes an oral exam, and orders dental X-rays. 

If you can benefit from a bridge, your dentist administers a local anesthetic, numbing your mouth. Next, they remove some enamel from the teeth on either side of the gap in your smile. Then, your dentist takes impressions of your teeth with an intraoral scanner.

Your dentist sends the impressions to a lab that creates a custom bridge. 

When the lab finishes the bridge, you return to Cole Street Dental. Your dentist bonds the bridge in place with dental cement and makes any necessary adjustments.

How do I care for my crown or bridge?

Care for your crown or bridge with good oral hygiene. Brush and floss daily and avoid biting down on ice cubes and other hard objects. In addition, visit Cole Street Dental for regular cleanings and exams.

Call Cole Street Dental today to request a crowns and bridges appointment, or book your visit online.