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Extractions services offered in Enumclaw, WA

Extractions services offered in the greater Enumclaw, WA area

Millions of Americans undergo tooth extractions each year to treat gum disease, severe tooth decay, and other oral issues. At Cole Street Dental in Enumclaw, Washington, experienced general, family, and cosmetic dentists Sean Monaghan, DMD, Gina Petrarca, DDS, and the team offer simple and surgical extractions. Tooth extractions can reduce the risk of infection and preserve your oral health. Call Cole Street Dental today to schedule a Botox appointment, or book your visit online.

Extractions Q & A

What are tooth extractions?

A tooth extraction is a type of oral surgery that removes a permanent tooth from its socket. 

The Cole Street Dental team tries to save natural teeth whenever possible, but sometimes restorative procedures, like crowns and fillings aren’t enough to make a difference. If you have a severely infected or damaged tooth, an extraction can prevent the issue from worsening.

When are extractions necessary?

The Cole Street Dental team might recommend extractions if you have:

  • A loose permanent tooth (or other dental injuries)
  • An impacted tooth
  • Crowded teeth
  • Severe gum disease
  • A fractured tooth
  • Severe tooth decay

Sometimes, extractions are a prerequisite to other dental treatments. For example, the team might perform extractions if you want full dentures.

What are the types of tooth extractions?

The Cole Street Dental team offers several types of tooth extractions, including:

Simple extractions
Simple extractions are quick and relatively pain-free. Your provider numbs your mouth with a local anesthetic and uses special dental instruments to loosen your tooth and remove it from the socket. 

Surgical extractions
Your dentist performs a surgical extraction if you have a broken or impacted tooth. They numb your mouth with an anesthetic and make incisions in your gums to access and remove the tooth. Your dentist stitches the incision and places gauze in the empty socket to promote healing.

What is recovery like after extractions?

After extractions, it’s normal to have swelling, bleeding, and mild discomfort. Take it easy for the first 24 hours and follow your provider’s recovery instructions. Make sure to keep your extraction site clean, take any medication as directed, and avoid strenuous activity for at least two days.

Avoid eating hard or crunchy foods while your mouth heals. Stock your fridge and pantry with soft foods like yogurt, soup, and applesauce, and don’t drink from a straw for at least a week because it can dislodge the blood clot, causing a painful dry socket. 

Are tooth extractions painful?

Tooth extractions are safe and usually well-tolerated. Your Cole Street Dental provider administers a local anesthetic to ensure a comfortable and pain-free experience. If you have dental anxiety, they can administer nitrous oxide (laughing gas) or oral sedation to help you relax. 

Call Cole Street Dental today to schedule an extraction appointment, or book your visit online.